jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

The social media revolution.

In the past, social Media Companies believed if one person had been a member of a certain demographic group, he was predictable. Nevertheless, it changes, in actual social media together with networking; we’re able to connect with people quite freely and to redefine ourselves in the world, because these groups aren’t rigid now. The researchers have found out an important thing, the most people which accesses to the internet is the female gender. So they are really driving the social media revolution. Because according to the statistics, in every single age category women outnumber men and in their use of networking technologies, also they dominate the social media space. In addition it has impacted the popular culture, for example, you can see a lot more female characters in cartoons, games and TV shows. Johanna Blakley says maybe the chick flick could be an importan category of movie.

In my opinion, the media companies transmit a misconception about gender. They show an unreal concept of feminity and masculinity.  Unfortunately, women are more influenced about this concept and are affected visibly greater than the men. Maybe, the companies take advantage of this susceptibility. Other researches also talk about this phenomenon, according to surveys, historically, women have been enthusiastic users. Pew Research Center (http://www.pewresearch.org/) shows, between December 2009 and December 2012, women were significantly more likely than men to use social networking. Then, they could participate in the networking but they could also be victims of this social media. 

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