I like website
named ciclonautas, its page is www.ciclonautas.cl. This page is about cyclotourism what is a
practice of cycling orientated go across different places and natural landscapes
in bike alone or with a group of cyclist. If you browse it you can find many
photos of voyage and recommendations about how to realize your own travel in
your bike. I like stories of travels because it show different interesting
place such as mountains, lakes, steep ways. For example, there are travels to
desert of Atacama, Austral ways, Rancagua, Andes mountains, different lakes of
south of Chile such as Villarrica lake, Caburga lake and other lakes. I discovered
this page when I searched for information of how to plan a journey on bycicle I
want to know what is appropiet equipment. I visit every one week this page. I
have learned many things about cycling and what to take in an ounting such as tools,
replacements and warning of route.
I love ciclying, too!