I like the Santiago for its architecture of classical neighbourhood such as
Barrio Brasil, Lastarrias, Barrio Yungay, Quinta Normal and Estación Mapocho.
This places are antique and show good old times, I like to think how the people
lived at that time. Generally, these streets are covered with cobblestone, and old
cars and trams moved for there. Also, in this neighbourhood there were
theatres, beautifull parks and importants schools. I dislike the urban transport,
It have did me headache of all days, I delay one hour for to arrive to anywhere!
Also, I dislike the contamination of the air, because I would like to do calmly
sport such as to go to runnig and I would like to breathe pure air. Then, I would
make these things: the contamination of air and the transport. These things are
the principal problems that city have. If a visitor arrived to Santiago, I tell
him that visit the Cerro San Cristobal for to look of all city, and to see the
Andes mountains. Also, I recommend him that don’t use taxi because the some of
them are evil. And I recommend him that take his cámara.